Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Important - verbal presentation

Please read the information below, it was sent to my earlier today from F1 in Schools. It is regarding the verbal presentation...this is very important, it is what you will be judged on.

The verbal presentation Judges will assess each teams 5 minute verbal presentation across the areas of technique, composition and subject matter:

 Presentation technique
o use of visual aids – effective use of multimedia and / or other ‘props’.
o team contribution – effective participation by all team members
o dynamic – levels of enthusiasm and energy.
o engagement – audience interest and excitement.

 Presentation composition
o concepts clarification – clear and concise explanations where required.
o use of time – how effectively was the 5 minutes used.
o Presentation structure – overview explained and connection between topics

Subject Matter (the topics which need to be talked about)
o innovation – detail key innovations related to car design, project management, marketing or any other aspect of the teams project.
o collaboration – detail any partnerships or mentoring from outside the team and justify in terms of improving project outcomes.
o learning experiences – explain how the F1 in Schools™ project has benefited team members.
Refer to the verbal presentation judging scorecard for detailed point scoring and key performance indicator information.

Team preparation
Each team is required to prepare a verbal presentation as per the requirements at ARTICLE C2.12. Any multimedia content, slides etc must be saved on, and shown, using the teams own laptop. Teams need to have all presentation resources tested and ready with them for verbal presentation judging. Most importantly, teams should read the verbal presentation judging scorecard carefully to ensure their verbal presentation features all elements and content that the verbal presentation judges will be looking for.
Who needs to attend?
All team members must be present during the verbal presentation judging session.

Judging process / procedure
Verbal presentation judging is scheduled for the same duration of other judging sessions, usually 30 minutes. Teams will be given an opportunity at the start of their time to set-up and test their laptop and any other presentation technologies and resources. The team will inform the Judges when they are ready to begin. The Judges start timing the 5 minute and will provide a discreet time warning signal when one minute of presentation time remains. The team will be asked to cease presenting when the time limit has been reached. At the conclusion of the team’s presentation time, the Judges may choose to provide some feedback and / or ask any clarifying questions they feel necessary. Verbal presentations may be filmed for Judges review or promotional and future resource purposes.

Good Luck!!

if you need any help let me know..

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